Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Coat

   The other day my mom and I went to a local hospice shop, which used to be my favorite in high school because no one went there and it was right next to my school, so I would walk there and find really cool stuff! But then people started catching on and there was never anything good in there when I would check. But the other day I drove by and saw some really great stuff in the window, so we went the next day!!
   They were having a half off deal on all vintage clothing!!! I found this coat which I'm guessing is from the 50's and my mom said my grandma may have had one similar. Also, I can't find one like this anywhere online so they must be more rare maybe? Anyway, it's in perfect condition and fits me perfectly and it was about $17 after the half off!! So it was a great deal and I can't wait to wear it this winter!!!


 Also, I have these cute earrings that my grandpa sent me last Halloween, that I didn't get around to wearing! But I'm definitely going to wear them this time, aren't they cute?!


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