Monday, June 28, 2010

Hey People

I know I don't post very much on here but, one place I do update a lot is on my youtube channel so if you want to check it out click here or click the picture of my "fierce" eyes to the right! haha

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I have no excuse

Sorry for being such an awful blogger lately, I really have no other excuse than utter laziness. instead of posting, I've been stalking other blogs and so on...but anyway here are some random pictures from the last week.

~I totally look like I'm from the 90's today, I think it's the

Yes, I am about to eat a tortilla chip dipped in whipped cream.
It was actually not that bad
here I am lovingly holding some of my illustrations

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things I really want

So, if I was given a bunch of money, I would go out and et all of these things in a flash, I really love all of bad I'm not a millionaire!stuff I wantstuff I want by la femme fatal featuring Jeffrey Campbell shoes

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Start of Summer

Ok, because I'm really bad at uploading pictures on here in order, I'm apologizing in advance for the somewhat random order of the photos. haha, anyway, this week and weekend was very fun!!! First off, I got this hat from Whole Foods, which is pretty random, but who cares it's cute!

Cyrous and I went to Bakesale Betty, which is a yummy place in Oakland!!!!! They have these super yummy chicken sandwiches that are delicious!!!
They're really messy...
We also went to an Asian market, which is always this picture, for some reason I look pregnant, but I'm not.

I took this awkward picture by using the self timer and balancing my camera on a rice bag
Berkeley streets are very wild and unkept looking, it's super cozy

We also found this amazing pool in the UC Berkelet campus which my Cyrous goes too, we really want to swim here but people were looking at us suspiciously
Thrift store
Ok, this is Saturday, and it's so out of sequence it's insane, but I didn't want to re-load them because I'm lazy. and mom, if you're looking at this i high jacked some of your pictures.
This is dinner at Dona Tomas in Oakland, it's the best.

Here we are earlier at the academy of sciences in San Francisco

Albino crocodile or alligator I don't know which